Friday, April 9, 2010

Texas heat question

Ok, says it will be in the 100%26#39;s when we are there for our sons graduation. Now is this the same kind of heat they have in Phoenix or is this different? I%26#39;ve lived in PHX and have dealt with these kind of temps there so I%26#39;m just wanting to be prepared. I may change our schedule of things we will do off base so all input is appreciated. Thanks.

Texas heat question

If you can deal with Phoenix, heat I would think you would be able to deal with anything - ha

the humidity level will be higher here than around Phoenix and that will make it seem somewhat hotter but you should be fine as long as you are not running around too much outside

Texas heat question

It really depends on the time of year. Right now, for instance, when we get temps that high, it is because a high pressure system has pushed through. That keeps humidity levels down a bit.

In the later summer, the heat is a bit more stifling.

Compared to Phoenix, I find that the heat of the late summer here can be slightly harder to handle. In Phoenix, you get roasted alive, but here, you feel it in your lungs. Either way, A/C is a requirement for survival, and both are better than Houston%26#39;s 95 degrees / 90% humidity...

Right now, the heat is not that bad -- it%26#39;s toasty in the afternoons, but not at all unbearable.

Phoenix doesn%26#39;t have the humidity that we have, so it all depends on the humidity if the humidity is low than it won%26#39;t be that bad. It hard to say since it all depends on the humidity.????? Be prepared to sweat, LOL!!!!! I know when I go to Phoenix, Laughlin, %26amp; Vegas, when the temp is around 110 it doesn%26#39;t feel as bad since the humidity is lower there versus some of our 100%26#39;s temp.??????

I was guessing humidity was the key factor. We will arrive the 10th and leave the 14th. My guess would be since my son has been training in much warmer weather than what we have here this time of year, I will probably look into things we can do in the a/c during the heat of the day. Thanks.

Not to belittle your question but people have lived in South Texas for hundreds of years and survived. It is hot, it is humid. If I%26#39;m outside I%26#39;m sweaty and not the most comfortable. Even in the evening I%26#39;m going to be sweaty. How do I cope. Hang out in an air conditioned bar, go swimming, nap in the afternoon, get up early and sight-see then. If I%26#39;m in a new place and want to see something, I%26#39;ll usually sacrifice some comfort to go see or do something I may not get another chance for. Use a trick the Drill Instructors use, and have some extra shirts so that you can change out of a sweaty one, but come on down and enjoy what SA has to offer.

Hi, helpfulinillinois. I just looked at (my favorite source for weather), and as far out as they are projecting weather for us (to next Saturday), the highest it will get is 95. That%26#39;s pretty hot, but....

I was in Chandler two summers ago helping my daughter pack and get ready for their cross country move. We love the Phoenix area, but had only been in the winter previously. OMG it was absolutely unbelievable. I%26#39;m very heat tolerant, so much so we%26#39;ve just now turned on our A/C full time, but it was unbearable there. No one ventured out in the afternoon. I took a walk one afternoon and was the only person out on foot in the half hour I was gone. It wasn%26#39;t even that hot by Phoenix standards....103!

Providing you haven%26#39;t been totally acclimated to Illinois weather, you will be fine here with temps in the mid 90s. There is lots of shade on the Riverwalk, so it is quite bearable, even pleasant, especially early in the day. As you know, if you are out and about walking in Phoenix, you are in full sun 100% of the time. Have fun and congrats to your son.

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