Does anyone know anything about an old, abondoned mansion on the shouthwest side of Sherman? I can not remember what street I saw it on but it was huge, red brick, white columns, and on a large, fenced off property. Very spooky! Thanks.
Abandoned Mansion in ShermanYep, that%26#39;s the old Woodman%26#39;s Circle Home (some time of fraternal order like the Elks or something) and it%26#39;s been abandoned for years and years. It burned probably 20 years ago now, and it%26#39;s never recovered. Back in the 60s it was still in use, particularly its ballroom. It had beautiful floors and lovely transoms, wide hallways, and quite a bit of charm. Now, however, it%26#39;s just spooky. Last I heard it was owned by Robert Minshew, but I don%26#39;t know if that%26#39;s still true as it%26#39;s been quite some time since I heard that!
Abandoned Mansion in ShermanThanks for solving my little mystery. Such a spooky place. I wonder if it%26#39;s haunted......
yeah it is haunted my uncle and friend went in side a said their were screams and bangs constantly inside their is also some apartmants haunted in shermen i forgot the name but there on willow street
the appartments are east side garden apartments, and woodman circle is very very haunted, there is also a cementery called woodmans circle cemetery its on 1417 , its also haunted some friends said they went to check it out at like 7:00 at night and they swear they were only there for 10 minutes and when they pulled out of there it was 8:00 they said it was like a time warp, sounds crazy i know but its true!!!!!!!!
Woodman%26#39;s Circle is the most beautiful Art Deco (1930) mansion I have ever seen. It was built and homed widows in the main house and orphans in the Philladelphia house (long home to the side). There is a majestic Gazebo with an overlook, scenic drive up, big bay windows, sunroom on two floors, two huge ballrooms, and a large basement for the pipes. Unfortunately in the 70%26#39;s, the state mandated new electrical codes and the Forest Woodman%26#39;s Society for the Aged and Orphaned could not afford to rennovate the building to meet the regulated guidelines. They moved out (and took all of their belongings with them - so cancel all stories you hear of furniture, books, clothes, etc... in the building). It was then used as a church - not a Satanic Church as the story goes, just a church. That was was for a very minimilistic time. That is where the story of a 4 year old boy falling down the dumbwaiter comes from. I have been unable to validate that portion of the story, everyone I have spoken to leaves it in, so it might be. It then moved from one S%26amp;L to another through the 80%26#39;s. 5 business men purchased the home in hopes to fix it up after the crash of the S%26amp;L%26#39;s. Vandals had broken windows, stolen fixtures, destroyed walls %26amp; doors, and finally in the early 90%26#39;s an arson set fire to portions of all the buildings. It is currently owned by a lawyer in Sherman who does have plans for it. I personally hope that the plans are to rennovate the home back to it%26#39;s magnificence and to restore the Art Deco beauty that it once held.
This home could have ghosts of elderly widows and a 4 year old boy, but not the stories that I heard. All of the ones I have heard where of occult rituals and tragedy, but this is a special house and so is the cemetery. Built out of charity for a close knit organization.
I grew up in Sherman and had friends that lived on the other side of the ';woods'; from this place. I don%26#39;t think it was a normal ';church'; that was there... The kids that lived there used to chase us away with hoes and rakes when they were working in the garden. (Jennifer, Carolyn, Jimmy, %26amp; Cooper - you can verify this!) Anyway, after it burned down, some friends went back in there and said there were pentagrams on the floor and that it looked Satanic... so I%26#39;m not sure since I didn%26#39;t go... but it freaked me OUT!!!!
I just went in the woodmans home a few nights ago. I have always wanted to go into the home, but for what ever reason didnt. Fear of what was in the home or maybe that i would get caught by the police could be the reasons why i didnt. The other night while i was talking to a friend for whatever reason i thought about going into the home. My friend said he also wanted to go into the home. When we went into the home i found it to be like right out of a scary movie with walls falling down the roof caving in and dusty. Also alot of bad things written on the walls. The home is very much a scary looking place. My friend and i were in the home for about 45 minutes and i must say that i never once felt fear of anything bad happening. Now i must say that i dont believe in goast, but i do believe as the bible says demonic spirits. I would say that this place does have alot of demonic spirits not because of the people who have died in the home, but because of all the crazy satan loving people who have come in and wrote all the bad things and performed there perversions inside the home. I can say with all confidence that the home is not haunted, but if you believe in what the bible says about demonic spirits then you will find that the home is full of those, but its nothing to be scared of if you follow the lord.
yah i live right there behide it%26#39;s on the corner of 75 and n hwy 1417 can,t miss it
here is a website with more information and great pictures
i for one would love to have seen this house restored. i no longer live in the Sherman area (been in Austin since i was 11) but i still remember driving past it on Saturday mornings going to girl scout meetings. for some reason the building has always been on my mind.
The mansion was not only an orphanage but it was also a hospital and an insane boyfriends mom and dad went in there when they were teenagers and they have footage....the sponge room is still in there and there are still a few strapped beds. The bathrooms are rusted over really bad and it stinks horibly. Its pretty much scary looking all the way around.....MY boyfriend mom said it was the scariest place she has ever been in in her entire life. I want to go in
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